Project No.I

2020 2020


Training the action classifier model

1. Gathering data: The first step is to collect data that includes the actions you want to classify. The data should be collected in a way that is consistent with how the model will be used. For example, if the model will be used to classify actions in a video, the data should be collected as a video.

2. Labeling data: After collecting the data, the next step is to label it. This involves marking the sections of the data where the actions you want to classify occur. The labeled data is used to train the model.

3. Preparing data: Once the data is labeled, it needs to be prepared for training. This involves converting it to a format that can be used by the model. Xcode provides tools to help with this process.

4. Building the model: After the data is prepared, the next step is to build the model. This involves creating a neural network with input layers, output layers, and hidden layers. Xcode provides tools to help with this process.

5. Training the model: After the model is built, the next step is to train it. This involves providing the labeled data to the model and adjusting the weights of the neural network to minimize the error between the model's predictions and the labeled data.

6. Evaluating the model: After the model is trained, it needs to be evaluated to see how well it performs on new, unlabeled data. This involves testing the model on data it has not seen before and comparing its predictions to the true labels.

7. Deploying the model: Once the model is trained and evaluated, it can be deployed for use in your app. Xcode provides tools to help with this process, including the ability to convert the trained model to a format that can be used on iOS devices.

Creating the App

Once I have the pre-trained model, I can integrate it into my app by importing it into my project and configuring it to work with my camera. This would involve setting up a camera preview layer to capture live video and processing each frame in real-time using the model to detect and classify the actions being performed.

To count the number of reps, i would need to keep track of how many times the model identifies the same action being performed within a specified time frame. For example, if the model identifies a push-up action, you can start a timer and count how many times the push-up action is identified within a 30-second window.

Once the time window has elapsed, I can display the total number of reps completed and the time spent performing the action on the screen using a label or other user interface element.

Overall, creating an action classifier app that counts reps and time spent would involve integrating a pre-trained machine learning model into my project, configuring it to work with live video, and implementing logic to track and display the number of reps and time spent performing each action.