Project No.II

2020 2020


To get started

Creating an object classifier involves training a machine learning model using a dataset of labeled images, and then using that model to classify new images. In Xcode, I can use the Core ML framework and the Create ML tool to create and train custom machine learning models for image classification tasks.

To get started, I will need to collect and label a dataset of images for my object classifier. The more varied and representative your dataset is, the better your classifier will perform. Once I have my dataset, I can use the Create ML tool in Xcode to train my machine learning model. You can choose from a variety of model architectures and training algorithms, and you can also specify the number of epochs to train for, as well as other training parameters.

After training my model, I can integrate it into my Swift project using the Core ML framework. You can use the Vision framework to perform image classification on new images using my trained model. I can also use the Core ML framework to convert my trained model to a format that can be deployed on iOS devices, so that you can run your object classifier on-device without requiring a network connection.

Using the pre trained model YOLOv3 and implementing it

First, I need to download a pre-trained YOLO model and import it into my Xcode project. You can find pre-trained YOLO models online or train your own model using your own dataset.

Next, I need to set up the camera preview using the AVFoundation framework. I will need to request camera access permission from the user and create a preview layer that displays the camera feed.

Once the camera preview is set up, I can use the YOLO model to detect objects in the camera feed. I will need to convert the camera feed into a pixel buffer and use the Core ML framework to process the buffer through the YOLO model.

After the YOLO model has processed the camera feed, it will return the detected objects and their respective bounding boxes. I can use the Vision framework to draw a box around the detected object and display the name of the object next to the box.

Finally, I will need to update the camera preview layer to display the augmented video feed with the boxes and object names overlaid on top.

Overall, creating an app that uses a pre-trained YOLO model to detect objects in live camera preview and overlay boxes with the object names requires knowledge of several frameworks and technologies, including Core ML, Vision, and AVFoundation, as well as familiarity with Swift programming language and Xcode development environment.

Next Project

Computer Vision